Source code for drtsans.beam_finder

# local imports
from drtsans.mask_utils import apply_mask, mask_spectra_with_special_values
from drtsans.solid_angle import solid_angle_correction

# third party imports
import lmfit
from mantid.kernel import logger
from mantid.simpleapi import (
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

# standard imports
from typing import Union

__all__ = [
]  # exports to the drtsans namespace

def _results_to_dict(params):
    fit_results = {}
    for key in params:
        value = params[key]
        fit_results[key] = {
            "value": value.value,
            "stderr": value.stderr,
            "vary": value.vary,
    return fit_results

# defining 2D Gaussian fitting functions
def _Gaussian2D(x1, y1, amp, sigma_x, sigma_y, theta, CenterX, CenterY):
    a = np.cos(theta) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma_x**2) + np.sin(theta) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma_y**2)
    b = -np.sin(2.0 * theta) / (4.0 * sigma_x**2) + np.sin(2.0 * theta) / (4.0 * sigma_y**2)
    c = np.sin(theta) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma_x**2) + np.cos(theta) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma_y**2)
    amplitude = amp / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * np.sqrt(sigma_x * sigma_y))
    val = amplitude * np.exp(
        -(a * (x1 - CenterX) ** 2 + 2.0 * b * (x1 - CenterX) * (y1 - CenterY) + c * (y1 - CenterY) ** 2)
    return val

def _calculate_neutron_drop(path_length: Union[float, np.ndarray], wavelength) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
    r"""Calculate the gravitational drop of the neutrons in its path from the sample to the
     detector or pixel.

        path_length(s) in meters
        Neutron wavelength in Angstrom

    Return the Y drop in meters
    wavelength *= 1e-10
    neutron_mass = constants.neutron_mass
    gravity = constants.g
    h_planck = constants.Planck
    return wavelength**2 * (gravity * neutron_mass**2 / (2.0 * h_planck**2)) * path_length**2

def _find_beam_center_gaussian(ws, parameters={}):
    # fitting 2D gaussian to center data
    """Fitting 2D gaussian to workspace for finding the beam center.

    ws:  str,  ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
        Input workspace
    parameters: dict
        Fitting parameters passed onto lmfit. Defaults include
        'amp', Amplitude of the Gaussian function. Default: ws.extractY().max()
        'sigma_x', X spead of the Gaussian function. Default: 0.01
        'sigma_y', Y spead of the Gaussian function. Default: 0.01
        'theta', Clockwise rotation angle of Gaussian function. Default: 0.
        'CenterX', Estimate for the beam center in X [m]. Default: 0.
        'CenterY', Estimate for the beam center in Y [m]. Default: 0.

        (X, Y) coordinates of the beam center (units in meters).
    ws = mtd[str(ws)]
    ws_size = ws.getNumberHistograms()
    x = np.empty(ws_size)
    y = np.empty(ws_size)
    intes = np.empty(ws_size)
    intes_err = np.empty(ws_size)
    keep = np.empty(ws_size, dtype=np.bool_)

    for i, si in enumerate(ws.spectrumInfo()):
        pos = si.position
        x[i] = pos.X()
        y[i] = pos.Y()
        keep[i] = not si.isMasked and np.isfinite(ws.readY(i)[0])
        intes[i] = ws.readY(i)[0]
        intes_err[i] = ws.readE(i)[0]

    x = x[keep]
    y = y[keep]
    intes = intes[keep]
    intes_err = intes_err[keep]

    model = lmfit.Model(
        independent_vars=["x1", "y1"],
        param_names=["amp", "sigma_x", "sigma_y", "theta", "CenterX", "CenterY"],

    params = lmfit.Parameters()
    for key, value in parameters.items():
        params.add(key, **value)

    if "amp" not in params:
        params.add("amp", value=ws.extractY().max())
    if "sigma_x" not in params:
        params.add("sigma_x", value=0.01, min=np.finfo(float).eps)  # width in x
    if "sigma_y" not in params:
        params.add("sigma_y", value=0.01, min=np.finfo(float).eps)  # width in y
    if "theta" not in params:
        params.add("theta", value=0.0, min=-np.pi / 2.0, max=np.pi / 2.0)
    if "CenterX" not in params:
        params.add("CenterX", value=0.0)
    if "CenterY" not in params:
        params.add("CenterY", value=0.0)
    results =, x1=x, y1=y, weights=1.0 / intes_err, params=params, nan_policy="omit")
    fit_params = results.params
    return (

[docs] def fbc_options_json(reduction_input): fbc_options = {} if "method" in reduction_input["beamCenter"].keys(): method = reduction_input["beamCenter"]["method"] fbc_options["method"] = method if method == "gaussian": if "gaussian_centering_options" in reduction_input["beamCenter"].keys(): fbc_options["centering_options"] = reduction_input["beamCenter"]["gaussian_centering_options"] elif method == "center_of_mass": if "com_centering_options" in reduction_input["beamCenter"].keys(): fbc_options["centering_options"] = reduction_input["beamCenter"]["com_centering_options"] return fbc_options
[docs] def find_beam_center( input_workspace, method="center_of_mass", mask=None, mask_options={}, centering_options={}, solid_angle_method="VerticalTube", ): r""" Calculate absolute coordinates of beam impinging on the detector. Usually employed for a direct beam run (no sample and not sample holder). **Mantid algorithms used:** :ref:`FindCenterOfMassPosition <algm-FindCenterOfMassPosition-v2>`, :ref:`Integration <algm-Integration-v1>`, Parameters ---------- input_workspace: str, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace, ~mantid.api.IEventWorkspace method: str Method to calculate the beam center. Available methods are: - 'center_of_mass', invokes :ref:`FindCenterOfMassPosition <algm-FindCenterOfMassPosition-v1>` - 'gaussian', 2D Gaussian fit to beam center data mask: mask file path, `MaskWorkspace``, :py:obj:`list`. Mask to be passed on to ~drtsans.mask_utils.mask_apply. mask_options: dict Additional arguments to be passed on to ~drtsans.mask_utils.mask_apply. centering_options: dict Arguments to be passed on to the centering method. solid_angle_method: bool, str, specify which solid angle correction is needed Returns ------- tuple (X, Y, results) coordinates of the beam center (units in meters), dictionary of special parameters """ if method not in ["center_of_mass", "gaussian"]: raise NotImplementedError() # (f'{method} is not implemented') # integrate the TOF flat_ws = Integration(InputWorkspace=input_workspace, OutputWorkspace=mtd.unique_hidden_name()) mask_spectra_with_special_values(flat_ws) if mask is not None or mask_options != {}: apply_mask(flat_ws, mask=mask, **mask_options) if solid_angle_method: solid_angle_correction(flat_ws, detector_type=solid_angle_method) # find center of mass position if method == "center_of_mass": center = FindCenterOfMassPosition(InputWorkspace=flat_ws, **centering_options) x, y = center fit_results = {} else: # method == 'gaussian': x, y, fit_results = _find_beam_center_gaussian(flat_ws, centering_options) logger.information("Found beam position: X={:.3} m, Y={:.3} m.".format(x, y)) DeleteWorkspace(flat_ws) return x, y, fit_results
[docs] def center_detector(input_workspace, center_x, center_y, component="detector1"): """Translate the beam center currently located at (center_x, center_y) by an amount (-center_x, -center_y), so that the beam center is relocated to the origin of coordinates on the XY-plane **Mantid algorithms used:** :ref:`MoveInstrumentComponent <algm-MoveInstrumentComponent-v1>`, Parameters ---------- input_workspace : Workspace2D, str The workspace to be centered center_x : float in meters center_y : float in meters component : string name of the detector to be centered """ MoveInstrumentComponent( Workspace=input_workspace, ComponentName=component, X=-center_x, Y=-center_y, RelativePosition=True, )