Source code for drtsans.dataobjects

from collections import namedtuple
from import Iterable
import h5py
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from typing import Union

from mantid.simpleapi import mtd, CreateWorkspace

__all__ = [

[docs] class DataType(Enum): WORKSPACE2D = "Workspace2D" IQ_MOD = "IQmod" IQ_AZIMUTHAL = "IQazimuthal" IQ_CRYSTAL = "IQcrystal"
class HeaderType(Enum): MANTID_ASCII = "MantidAscii" PANDAS = "Pandas"
[docs] def getDataType(obj): try: return DataType( except AttributeError: name = str(obj) if name not in mtd: raise ValueError("Do not know how to get id from: {}".format(obj)) return DataType(mtd[name].id())
def _check_parallel(*args): """This makes sure that all input arrays are parallel to each other. It assumes that the inputs are ndarrays.""" shape = args[0].shape for arg in args[1:]: if arg.shape != shape: raise TypeError("Shape mismatch ({} != {})".format(shape, arg.shape)) def _nary_operation(iq_objects, operation, unpack=True, **kwargs): r""" Carry out an operation on the component arrays for each of the IQ objects. Examples: - _nary_operation((iq_1, iq_2), numpy.append, unpack=True) - _nary_operation((iq_1, iq_2), numpy.concatenate, unpack=False) Parameters ---------- iq_objects: list A list of ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, or ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal objects. operation: function A function operating on a list of :ref:`~numpy.ndarray` objects, e.g. numpy.concatenate((array1, array2)) unpack: bool If set to :py:obj:`True`, then ``operation`` receives an unpacked list of arrays. If set to :py:obj:`False`, then ``operation`` receives the list of arrays as a single argument. Examples: numpy.append(*(array1, array2)) versus numpy.concatenate((array1, array2)) kwargs: dict Additional options to be passed to ``operation``. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, or ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal """ reference_object = iq_objects[0] assert len(set([type(iq_object) for iq_object in iq_objects])) == 1 # check all objects of same type new_components = list() for i in range(len(reference_object)): # iterate over the IQ object components i_components = [iq_object[i] for iq_object in iq_objects] # collect the ith components of each object if True in [i_component is None for i_component in i_components]: # is any of these None? new_components.append(None) elif unpack is True: new_components.append(operation(*i_components, **kwargs)) else: new_components.append(operation(i_components, **kwargs)) return reference_object.__class__(*new_components) def _extract(iq_object, selection): r""" Extract a subset of data points onto a new IQ object. Examples: - iq_object.extract(42) # extract data point number 42 - iq_object.extract(slice(None, None, 2)) # extract every other data point - iq_object.extract(IQmod().mod_q < 0.1) # extract points with Q < 0.1 Parameters ---------- iq_object: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal selection: int, slice, :ref:`~numpy.ndarray` Any selection that can be passed onto a :ref:`~numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal """ component_fragments = list() for component in iq_object: if component is None: component_fragments.append(None) else: fragment = component.__getitem__(selection) if isinstance(fragment, Iterable) is False: # selection extracts only one data point fragment = [ fragment, ] component_fragments.append(fragment) return iq_object.__class__(*component_fragments) def scale_intensity(iq_object, scaling): r"""Rescale intensity and error for one IQ object. Relies on fields 'intensity' and 'error' being the first two components Parameters ---------- iq_object: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal scaling: float Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal """ intensity = scaling * iq_object.intensity error = scaling * iq_object.error return iq_object.__class__(intensity, error, *[iq_object[i] for i in range(2, len(iq_object))])
[docs] def verify_same_q_bins(iq0, iq1, raise_exception_if_diffrent=False, tolerance=None): """Verify whether 2 I(Q) has the same range of Q Parameters ---------- iq0: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal iq1: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal Returns ------- bool True if they are same """ # Same class if iq0.__class__ != iq1.__class__: raise RuntimeError(f"Input I(Q)s are of different type: {type(iq0)} and {type(iq1)}") # IQmod if isinstance(iq0, IQmod): # Q1D if iq0.wavelength is None or iq1.wavelength is None: # no wave length q0vec = iq0.mod_q q1vec = iq1.mod_q else: # also comparing the wavelength bins if they do exist q0vec = np.array([iq0.mod_q, iq0.wavelength]) q1vec = np.array([iq1.mod_q, iq1.wavelength]) elif isinstance(iq0, IQazimuthal) or isinstance(iq0, IQcrystal): # Q2D if iq0.wavelength is None or iq1.wavelength is None: # no wavelength q0vec = np.array([iq0.qx, iq0.qy]) q1vec = np.array([iq1.qx, iq1.qy]) else: q0vec = np.array([iq0.qx, iq0.qy, iq0.wavelength]) q1vec = np.array([iq1.qx, iq1.qy, iq0.wavelength]) else: raise RuntimeError(f"I(Q) of type {type(iq0)} is not supported by verify same binning") # Verify same = True try: if tolerance: np.testing.assert_allclose(q0vec, q1vec, atol=tolerance) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(q0vec, q1vec) except AssertionError as assert_error: same = False if raise_exception_if_diffrent: raise assert_error return same
def q_azimuthal_to_q_modulo(Iq): """this method converts Qazimuthal to Qmodulo using (1) Q = sqrt(Qx**2 + Qy**2) (2) sigmaQ = sqrt(sigmaQx**2 + sigmaQy**2) Parameters: ---------- Iq: IQazimuthal object Returns: ------- Iqmod: IQmod object """ qx = Iq.qx qy = Iq.qy delta_qx = Iq.delta_qx delta_qy = Iq.delta_qy mod_q = np.sqrt(np.square(qx) + np.square(qy)) delta_mode_q = np.sqrt(np.square(delta_qx) + np.square(delta_qy)) q_azimuthal_to_q_modulo = namedtuple("q_azimuthal_to_q_modulo", "mod_q, delta_mod_q") q_azimuthal_to_q_modulo.mod_q = mod_q q_azimuthal_to_q_modulo.delta_mod_q = delta_mode_q iqmod = IQmod(intensity=Iq.intensity, error=Iq.error, mod_q=mod_q, delta_mod_q=delta_mode_q) return iqmod def concatenate(iq_objects): r""" Join a sequence IQ objects; concatenate((iq1, iq2, iq3,...)) Parameters ---------- iq_objects: list A sequence of ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, or ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal objects. All objects must be of the same type Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal """ return _nary_operation(iq_objects, np.concatenate, unpack=False)
[docs] class IQmod(namedtuple("IQmod", "intensity error mod_q delta_mod_q wavelength")): r"""This class holds the information for I(Q) scalar. All of the arrays must be 1-dimensional and parallel (same length). The ``delta_mod_q`` and ``wavelength`` fields are optional."""
[docs] @staticmethod def read_csv(file, sep=" "): r""" Load an intensity profile into a ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object. Required file format: The first row must include the names for the file columns. The order of the columns is irrelevant and the names of the columns must be: - 'intensity' for profile intensities. This column is required. - 'error' for uncertainties in the profile intensities. This column is required. - 'mod_q' for values of Q. This column is required. - 'delta_mod_q' for uncertainties in the Q values. This column is optional. - 'wavelength' This column is optional. Example of file contents: intensity error mod_q 1000.0 89.0 0.001 90.0 8.0 0.01 4.7 0.9 0.1 Usage example: ``` from drtsans.mono.gpsans import IQmod iq = IQmod.read_csv(file_name) ``` Parameters ---------- file: str Path to input file sep: str String of length 1. Field delimiter in the input file. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod """ from pandas import read_csv as pd_read_csv frame = pd_read_csv(file, sep=sep, dtype=np.float64, na_values="NAN", comment="#") args = [frame[label].values for label in ["intensity", "error", "mod_q"]] kwargs = { label: frame[label].values for label in ["delta_mod_q", "wavelength"] if label in list(frame.columns) } return IQmod(*args, **kwargs)
def __new__(cls, intensity, error, mod_q, delta_mod_q=None, wavelength=None): # these conversions do nothing if the supplied information is already a numpy.ndarray intensity = np.array(intensity) error = np.array(error) mod_q = np.array(mod_q) # if intensity is 1d, then everything else will be if they are parallel if len(intensity.shape) != 1: raise TypeError('"intensity" must be a 1-dimensional array, found shape={}'.format(intensity.shape)) # check that the mandatory fields are parallel _check_parallel(intensity, error, mod_q) # work with optional fields if delta_mod_q is not None: delta_mod_q = np.array(delta_mod_q) _check_parallel(intensity, delta_mod_q) if wavelength is not None: wavelength = np.array(wavelength) _check_parallel(intensity, wavelength) # pass everything to namedtuple return super(IQmod, cls).__new__(cls, intensity, error, mod_q, delta_mod_q, wavelength) def __mul__(self, scaling): r"""Scale intensities and their uncertainties by a number""" return scale_intensity(self, scaling) def __rmul__(self, scaling): return self.__mul__(scaling) def __truediv__(self, divisor): r"""Divide intensities and their uncertainties by a number""" return self.__mul__(1.0 / divisor)
[docs] def extract(self, selection): r""" Extract a subset of data points onto a new ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object. Examples: - IQmod().extract(42) # extract data point number 42 - IQmod().extract(slice(None, None, 2)) # extract every other data point - IQmod().extract(IQmod().mod_q < 0.1) # extract points with Q < 0.1 Parameters ---------- selection: int, slice, ~numpy.ndarray Any selection that can be passed onto a ~numpy.ndarray Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod """ return _extract(self, selection)
[docs] def concatenate(self, other): r""" Append additional data points from another ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object and return the composite as a new ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object. Parameters ---------- other: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod Additional data points. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod """ return _nary_operation((self, other), np.concatenate, unpack=False)
[docs] def sort(self, key="mod_q"): r""" Sort the data points according to one of the components of the ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object. Parameters ---------- key: str Component prescribing the sorting order. Default sorting is by increasing Q value. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod """ return _extract(self, np.argsort(getattr(self, key)))
[docs] def id(self): return DataType.IQ_MOD
[docs] def be_finite(self): # Remove NaN finite_locations = np.isfinite(self.intensity) finite_delta_mod_q = None if self.delta_mod_q is None else self.delta_mod_q[finite_locations] finite_binned_iq_wl = IQmod( intensity=self.intensity[finite_locations], error=self.error[finite_locations], mod_q=self.mod_q[finite_locations], delta_mod_q=finite_delta_mod_q, wavelength=self.wavelength[finite_locations], ) return finite_binned_iq_wl
[docs] def to_workspace(self, name=None): # create a name if one isn't provided if name is None: name = mtd.unique_hidden_name() dq = self.delta_mod_q if dq is None: dq = self.mod_q * 0.0 return CreateWorkspace( DataX=self.mod_q, DataY=self.intensity, DataE=self.error, UnitX="momentumtransfer", OutputWorkspace=name, Dx=dq, EnableLogging=False, )
[docs] def to_csv(self, file_name, sep=" ", float_format="%.6E", skip_nan=True): r""" Write the ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object into an ASCII file. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path to output file sep: str String of length 1. Field delimiter for the output file. float_format: str Format string for floating point numbers. skip_nan: bool If true, any data point where intensity is NAN will not be written to file """ # Convert to dictionary to construct a pandas DataFrame instance from pandas import DataFrame frame = DataFrame({label: value for label, value in self._asdict().items() if value is not None}) # Create the order of the columns i_q_mod_cols = ["mod_q", "intensity", "error"] # 3 mandatory columns if "delta_mod_q" in frame.keys(): i_q_mod_cols.append("delta_mod_q") if "wavelength" in frame.keys(): i_q_mod_cols.append("wavelength") mode_nan = "w" # write mode for csv file. If we add a header first, it will be 'a' # delete NANs if requested if skip_nan: finites = np.isfinite(frame["intensity"]) if np.count_nonzero(finites) < len(frame): frame = frame[finites] mode_nan = "a" with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write("# NANs have been skipped\n") # Write to file frame.to_csv( file_name, columns=i_q_mod_cols, index=False, sep=sep, float_format=float_format, na_rep="NAN", mode=mode_nan, )
[docs] def load_iqmod(file, sep=" ", header_type=HeaderType.PANDAS.value): r""" Load an intensity profile into a ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object. Required file format: The first row must include the names for the file columns. The order of the columns is irrelevant and the names of the columns must be: - 'intensity' for profile intensities. This column is required. - 'error' for uncertainties in the profile intensities. This column is required. - 'mod_q' for values of Q. This column is required. - 'delta_mod_q' for uncertainties in the Q values. This column is optional. - 'wavelength' This column is optional. Example of file contents: intensity error mod_q 1000.0 89.0 0.001 90.0 8.0 0.01 4.7 0.9 0.1 Usage example: ``` from drtsans.mono.gpsans import load_iqmod iq = load_iqmod(file_name) ``` Parameters ---------- file: str Path to input file sep: str String of length 1. Field delimiter in the input file. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod """ if header_type == HeaderType.MANTID_ASCII.value: csv_data = np.genfromtxt(file, comments="#", dtype=np.float64, skip_header=2) num_cols = len(csv_data[0]) assert num_cols == 4, "Incompatible number of colums: {} should be 4".format(num_cols) return IQmod(csv_data[:, 1], csv_data[:, 2], csv_data[:, 0], csv_data[:, 3]) else: return IQmod.read_csv(file, sep=sep)
[docs] def save_iqmod( iq, file, sep=" ", float_format="%.6E", skip_nan=True, header_type=HeaderType.MANTID_ASCII.value, ): r""" Write the ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod object into an ASCII file. Current output columns (Line 0: ) intensity error mod_q Expected (Line 0: ) mod_q intensity error mod_q_error Parameters ---------- iq: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod Profile to be saved file: str Path to output file sep: str String of length 1. Field delimiter for the output file. float_format: str Format string for floating point numbers. skip_nan: bool If true, any data point where intensity is NAN will not be written to file header: text Determine the header type to make 1D data compatible with panda or Mantid possible values: HeaderType.MANTID_ASCII.value HeaderType.PANDAS.value """ if header_type == HeaderType.MANTID_ASCII.value: from drtsans.save_ascii import save_ascii_binned_1D save_ascii_binned_1D(file, "I(Q)", iq) else: iq.to_csv(file, sep=sep, float_format=float_format, skip_nan=skip_nan)
[docs] class IQazimuthal(namedtuple("IQazimuthal", "intensity error qx qy delta_qx delta_qy wavelength")): r""" This class holds the information for the azimuthal projection, I(Qx, Qy). The resolution terms, (``delta_qx``, ``delta_qy``) and ``wavelength`` fields are optional. All of the arrays must be 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional and matching length. For the 1-dimensional case, all of the arrays must be parallel (same length). For the 2-dimensional case, (``intensity``, ``error``, ``delta_qx``, ``delta_qy``, ``wavelength``) must all be parallel. However, for (``qx``, ``qy``), they must either (both) be 2-dimensional and parallel, or (both) 1-dimensional with ``len(qx) == intensity.shape[0]`` and ``len(qy) == intensity.shape[1]``. if intensity is 2D, and qx and qy are 1D: In this constructor, it is assumed that intensity 2D array will match qx = [[qx0, qx1, ...], [qx0, qx1, ...], ...] qy = [[qy0, qy0, ...], [qy1, qy1, ...], ...] because qx and qy will be created in such style. """ def __new__(cls, intensity, error, qx, qy, delta_qx=None, delta_qy=None, wavelength=None): # noqa: C901 # these conversions do nothing if the supplied information is already a numpy.ndarray intensity = np.array(intensity) error = np.array(error) qx = np.array(qx) qy = np.array(qy) # check that the mandatory fields are parallel if len(intensity.shape) == 1: _check_parallel(intensity, error, qx, qy) elif len(intensity.shape) == 2: if len(qx.shape) == 1: # Qx and Qy are given in 1D array (not meshed) _check_parallel(intensity, error) if intensity.shape[0] != qx.shape[0]: raise TypeError( "Incompatible dimensions intensity[{}] and qx[{}]".format(intensity.shape, qx.shape[0]) ) if intensity.shape[1] != qy.shape[0]: raise TypeError( "Incompatible dimensions intensity[{}] and qy[{}]".format(intensity.shape, qy.shape[0]) ) elif len(qx.shape) == 2: # Qx and Qy are given in meshed 2D _check_parallel(intensity, error, qx, qy) else: raise TypeError("Qx can only be of dimension 1 or 2, found {}".format(len(qx.shape))) else: raise TypeError("intensity can only be of dimension 1 or 2, found {}".format(len(intensity.shape))) # work with optional fields if np.logical_xor(delta_qx is None, delta_qy is None): raise TypeError("Must specify either both or neither of delta_qx and delta_qy") if delta_qx is not None: delta_qx = np.array(delta_qx) delta_qy = np.array(delta_qy) _check_parallel(intensity, delta_qx, delta_qy) if wavelength is not None: wavelength = np.array(wavelength) _check_parallel(intensity, wavelength) # make the qx and qy have the same shape as the data if len(intensity.shape) == 2 and len(qx.shape) == 1 and len(qy.shape) == 1: # Using meshgrid to construct the Qx and Qy 2D arrays. This is consistent with the algorithm # that is used in bin_iq_2d() qx, qy = np.meshgrid(qx, qy, indexing="ij") # Sanity check assert qx.shape == intensity.shape, ( f"qx and intensity must have same shapes. " f"It is not now: {qx.shape} vs {intensity.shape}" ) assert qy.shape == intensity.shape, ( f"qy and intensity must have same shapes. " f"It is not now: {qy.shape} vs {intensity.shape}" ) # pass everything to namedtuple return super(IQazimuthal, cls).__new__(cls, intensity, error, qx, qy, delta_qx, delta_qy, wavelength)
[docs] def be_finite(self): """Remove NaN by flattening first Returns ------- IQazimuthal I(qx, qy, wavelength) with NaN removed """ # Check whether is any need to recontruct the IQazimuthal num_finite_points = len(np.where(np.isfinite(self.intensity))[0]) if num_finite_points == self.intensity.size: return self # Flatten intensity = self.intensity.flatten() # finite values finite_locations = np.isfinite(intensity) # construct output intensity = intensity[finite_locations] error = self.error.flatten()[finite_locations] qx = self.qx.flatten()[finite_locations] qy = self.qy.flatten()[finite_locations] dqx = None if self.delta_qx is None else self.delta_qx.flatten()[finite_locations] dqy = None if self.delta_qy is None else self.delta_qy.flatten()[finite_locations] wavelength = None if self.wavelength is None else self.wavelength.flatten()[finite_locations] finite_iq2d = IQazimuthal( intensity=intensity, error=error, qx=qx, qy=qy, delta_qx=dqx, delta_qy=dqy, wavelength=wavelength, ) return finite_iq2d
[docs] def id(self): return DataType.IQ_AZIMUTHAL
[docs] def concatenate(self, other): r""" Append additional data points from another ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal object and return the composite as a new ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal object. Parameters ---------- other: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal Additional data points. Returns ------- ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal """ return _nary_operation((self, other), np.concatenate, unpack=False)
[docs] def ravel(self): """Create a new ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal with all of the arrays flattened""" kwargs = dict() if self.delta_qx is not None: kwargs["delta_qx"] = self.delta_qx.ravel() if self.delta_qx is not None: kwargs["delta_qy"] = self.delta_qy.ravel() if self.wavelength is not None: kwargs["wavelength"] = self.wavelength.ravel() return IQazimuthal( intensity=self.intensity.ravel(), error=self.error.ravel(), qx=self.qx.ravel(), qy=self.qy.ravel(), **kwargs, )
[docs] class IQcrystal(namedtuple("IQazimuthal", "intensity error qx qy qz delta_qx delta_qy delta_qz wavelength")): """This class holds the information for the crystallographic projection, I(Qx, Qy, Qz). All of the arrays must be 1-dimensional and parallel (same length). The resolution terms, (``delta_qx``, ``delta_qy``, ``delta_qz``) and ``wavelength`` fields are optional.""" def __new__( cls, intensity, error, qx, qy, qz, delta_qx=None, delta_qy=None, delta_qz=None, wavelength=None, ): # these conversions do nothing if the supplied information is already a numpy.ndarray intensity = np.array(intensity) error = np.array(error) qx = np.array(qx) qy = np.array(qy) qz = np.array(qz) # check that the mandatory fields are parallel if len(intensity.shape) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Do not currently support dimension != 1, found {}".format(len(intensity.shape))) _check_parallel(intensity, error) _check_parallel(intensity, qx, qy, qz) # TODO make more generic # work with optional fields count = 0 if delta_qx is not None: count += 1 if delta_qy is not None: count += 1 if delta_qz is not None: count += 1 if not (count == 0 or count == 3): raise TypeError("Must specify either all or none of delta_qx, delta_qy, delta_qz") if delta_qx is not None: delta_qx = np.array(delta_qx) delta_qy = np.array(delta_qy) delta_qz = np.array(delta_qz) _check_parallel(intensity, delta_qx, delta_qy, delta_qz) if wavelength is not None: wavelength = np.array(wavelength) _check_parallel(intensity, wavelength) # pass everything to namedtuple return super(IQcrystal, cls).__new__( cls, intensity, error, qx, qy, qz, delta_qx, delta_qy, delta_qz, wavelength )
[docs] def id(self): return DataType.IQ_CRYSTAL
def save_i_of_q_to_h5(iq: Union[IQmod, IQazimuthal], h5_name: str): """Export I of Q, in form of namedtuple, to an HDF5""" # assert isinstance(iq, namedtuple), f'I of Q must be of type namedtuple but not {type(iq)}' # Init h5 iq_h5 = h5py.File(h5_name, "w") # create group data_group = iq_h5.create_group(iq.__class__.__name__) # Write field for index, field in enumerate(iq._fields): # add data data = iq[index] if data is not None: data_group.create_dataset(field, data=data) # Close iq_h5.close() def load_iq1d_from_h5(h5_name: str) -> IQmod: """Load an HDF5 for I(Q1D)""" # Open file with h5py.File(h5_name, "r") as iq_h5: data_group = iq_h5["IQmod"] value_dict = dict() # get tuple element for field in ["intensity", "error", "mod_q", "delta_mod_q", "wavelength"]: try: value_dict[field] = data_group[field][()] except KeyError: value_dict[field] = None iqmod = IQmod(**value_dict) return iqmod def load_iq2d_from_h5(h5_name: str) -> IQazimuthal: # Open file with h5py.File(h5_name, "r") as iq_h5: data_group = iq_h5["IQazimuthal"] value_dict = dict() # get tuple element print(f"DEBUG field: {IQazimuthal._fields}") for field in IQazimuthal._fields: try: value_dict[field] = data_group[field][()] except KeyError: value_dict[field] = None iq2d = IQazimuthal(**value_dict) return iq2d class _Testing: r""" Mimic the numpy.testing module by applying functions of this module to the component arrays of the IQ objects """ @staticmethod def _nary_assertion(iq_objects, assertion_function, unpack=True, **kwargs): r""" Carry out an assertion on the component arrays for each of the IQ objects. Examples: - _nary_assertion((iq_1, iq_2), numpy.append, unpack=True) - _nary_assertion((iq_1, iq_2), numpy.concatenate, unpack=False) Parameters ---------- iq_objects: list A list of ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod, ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal, or ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQcrystal objects. assertion_function: function A function operating on a list of :ref:`~numpy.ndarray` objects, e.g. numpy.concatenate((array1, array2)) unpack: bool If set to :py:obj:`True`, then ``assertion_function`` receives an unpacked list of arrays. If set to :py:obj:`False`, then ``assertion_function`` receives the list of arrays as a single argument. Examples: numpy.append(*(array1, array2)) versus numpy.concatenate((array1, array2)) kwargs: dict Additional options to be passed Raises ------ AssertionError """ reference_object = iq_objects[0] # pick the first of the list as reference object assert len(set([type(iq_object) for iq_object in iq_objects])) == 1 # check all objects of same type for i in range(len(reference_object)): # iterate over the IQ object components component_name = reference_object._fields[i] print(f"all_close on {component_name}") i_components = [iq_object[i] for iq_object in iq_objects] # collect the ith components of each object if True in [i_component is None for i_component in i_components]: # is any of these None? if set(i_components) == set([None]): continue # all arrays are actually None, so they are identical else: raise AssertionError(f"field {component_name} is None for some of the iQ objects") elif unpack is True: assertion_function(*i_components, **kwargs) else: assertion_function(i_components, **kwargs) @staticmethod def assert_allclose(actual, desired, **kwargs): r"""Apply :ref:`~numpy.testing.assert_allclose on each component array""" _Testing._nary_assertion( (actual, desired), assertion_function=np.testing.assert_allclose, unpack=True, **kwargs, ) testing = _Testing() # use it as if it were a module, e.g. testing.assert_allclose(iq_1, iq_2, atol=1.e-6)