Source code for drtsans.geometry

# local imports
from drtsans.samplelogs import SampleLogs
from drtsans.settings import unpack_v3d, namedtuplefy
from drtsans.instruments import InstrumentEnumName, instrument_enum_name, instrument_standard_name
from collections import defaultdict

# third-party imports
from mantid.api import MatrixWorkspace
from mantid.api import Workspace as MantidWorkspace
from mantid.dataobjects import EventWorkspace
from mantid.geometry import Instrument
from mantid.kernel import logger
from mantid.simpleapi import mtd, MoveInstrumentComponent
import numpy as np

# standard imports
from typing import Tuple, Union

__all__ = [
detector_z_log = "detectorZ"

def panel_names(input_query):
    List of names for the double-panel detector arrays (e.g., 'detector1', 'wing_detector')

    input_query: str,  ~mantid.api.Workspace
        string representing a valid instrument name, the name of a Mantid workspace,
        or the handle to a Mantid workspace

    # latest panels for each instrument
    panels_for_instrument = {
        "BIOSANS": ["detector1", "wing_detector", "midrange_detector"],
        "GPSANS": ["detector1"],
        "EQSANS": ["detector1"],
    instrument_name = instrument_standard_name(str(input_query))
    panels = panels_for_instrument[instrument_name]
    # the only troublemaker is BIOSANS, which may be missing the midrange detector
    if instrument_name == "BIOSANS" and str(input_query) in mtd:
        if mtd[str(input_query)].getInstrument().getComponentByName("midrange_detector") is None:
            return ["detector1", "wing_detector"]
    return panels

def main_detector_name(ipt):
    Name of the main detector array

    ipt: str, Instrument, Workspace
        Input instrument name, Instrument instance, or Workspace

    inst_to_det = defaultdict(lambda: "detector1")
    if isinstance(ipt, str):
        if ipt in mtd:
            instrument_name = mtd[ipt].getInstrument().getName()
            instrument_name = ipt
    elif isinstance(ipt, Instrument):
        instrument_name = ipt.getName()
        instrument_name = ipt.getInstrument().getName()  # assume workspace
    return inst_to_det[instrument_name]

def main_detector_panel(source):
    Return the main detector panel of the instrument

    source: PyObject
        Instrument object, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace,  ~mantid.api.IEventsWorkspace, workspace name, file path,
        run number

    return get_instrument(source).getComponentByName(main_detector_name(source))

def bank_workspace_index_range(input_workspace, component=""):
    Returns the range of workspace indices to for the named component. If no component is
    specified it is the range for the whole instrument.

    Assumptions: 1. There is one detector per spectrum 2. The detector ids are offset from
    the workspace indices 3. The lowest detector id is the first one encountered when looping
    through the spectra

    input_workspace: ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
        Input workspace to find the detectors
    component: str
        Name of the component to get detector ids from

        (workspace_index_min, workspace_index_max)
    detector_ids = bank_detector_ids(input_workspace, component, None)
    detector_id_first = detector_ids.min()

    input_workspace = mtd[str(input_workspace)]
    first = None
    for i in range(input_workspace.getNumberHistograms()):
        ids = input_workspace.getSpectrum(i).getDetectorIDs()
        if len(ids) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError("do not know how to work with more than one " "detector per spectrum ({})".format(ids))
        if ids[0] == detector_id_first:
            first = i
    if first is None:
        raise RuntimeError("something meaningful goes here")
        return (first, first + detector_ids.size)

def bank_detector_ids(input_workspace, component="", masked=None):
    Return the ID's for the detectors in detector banks (excludes monitors)

    input_workspace: ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
        Input workspace to find the detectors
    component: str
        Name of the component to get detector ids from
    masked: None or bool
        py:obj:`None` yields all detector ID's; ``True`` yields all masked
        detector ID's; ``False`` yields all unmasked detector ID's

    # the object in mantid that knows everything
    detectorInfo = mtd[str(input_workspace)].detectorInfo()
    # the full list of detector ids. The indices are parallel to this array
    ids = detectorInfo.detectorIDs()

    # which detector indices to use
    indices_to_use = np.ndarray((ids.size), dtype=bool)  # everything starts as False

    # sub-select the component wanted
    if component:
        componentInfo = mtd[str(input_workspace)].componentInfo()
        componentIndex = componentInfo.indexOfAny(component)
        detectorIndices = componentInfo.detectorsInSubtree(componentIndex)

        # set the the indices to only use the detectors we are interested in
        indices_to_use[detectorIndices] = True
        # don't use monitors
        for i in range(detectorInfo.size()):
            if detectorInfo.isMonitor(i):
                indices_to_use[i] = False

    if masked is None:
    elif detectorInfo.hasMaskedDetectors():
        for i in range(detectorInfo.size()):
            # use based on masked/not masked
            indices_to_use[i] = detectorInfo.isMasked(i) == masked
        # if there aren't masked detectors, but they are asked for, return nothing
        if masked:

    return ids[indices_to_use]

def bank_detectors(input_workspace, masked=None):
    Generator function to yield the detectors in the banks of the instrument.
    Excludes monitors

    input_workspace: str, MatrixWorkspace
        Input workspace to find the detectors
    masked: None or Bool
        `None` yields all detectors; `True` yields all masked detectors;
        `False` yields all unmasked detectectors
    ws = mtd[str(input_workspace)]
    instrument = ws.getInstrument()
    for det_id in bank_detector_ids(ws, masked=masked):
        yield instrument.getDetector(det_id)
        det = instrument.getDetector(det_id)
        if masked is None or masked == det.isMasked():
            yield instrument.getDetector(det_id)

def pixel_centers(input_workspace, indexes, shape=None):
    Coordinates for the center of one or more pixel detectors. It is assumed that all pixels have the same shape.

    input_workspace: str, ~mantid.api.IEventWorkspace, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
    indexes: int, list
        one index or a list of component info indexes, or detector info indexes, but not workspace indexes or
        spectrum info indexes.
    shape: str
        vestigial argument, retained for backward compatiblity

        Coordinates for each pixel detector
    # NOTE: All pixel positions are defined within IDF with respect to the lab reference frame.
    #       The current IDF for CG2 defines all pixels by their center, which is directly readin
    #       by Mantid upon data loading.
    component_info = mtd[str(input_workspace)].componentInfo()
    indexes = (
        if isinstance(indexes, int)
        else indexes
    positions = np.array([unpack_v3d(component_info.position, i) for i in indexes])
    return positions

def logged_smearing_pixel_size(input_workspace):
    """Find pixel size (X and Y) from the metadata within a workspace

    workspace:  str, ~mantid.api.IEventWorkspace, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
        workspace for detector size

        Fields of the named tuple are, in this order
        - width, float or :py:obj:`None` if no pixel width is found in the logs
        - height, float or :py:obj:`None` if no pixel height is found in the logs
    # Get workspace
    workspace = mtd[str(input_workspace)]

    # Get sample logs
    sample_logs = SampleLogs(workspace)

    if "smearingPixelSizeX" in sample_logs.keys() and "smearingPixelSizeY" in sample_logs.keys():
        smearing_pixel_size_x = sample_logs["smearingPixelSizeX"].value
        smearing_pixel_size_y = sample_logs["smearingPixelSizeY"].value
        smearing_pixel_size_x, smearing_pixel_size_y = None, None

    return {"width": smearing_pixel_size_x, "height": smearing_pixel_size_y}

def nominal_pixel_size(input_workspace):
    """Find pixel size (X and Y) from the instrument geometry disregarding pixel calibrations like
    barscan and tube-width.

    We use the pixel dimensions of the first detector that is not a monitor detector.

    input_workspace:  str, ~mantid.api.IEventWorkspace, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace
        workspace for detector size

        Fields of the named tuple are 'width' and 'height', in this order.
    workspace = mtd[str(input_workspace)]  # handle to Mantid Workspace object
    workspace_index = 0
    detectorInfo = workspace.detectorInfo()
    while True:
        if detectorInfo.isMonitor(workspace_index) is False:
            detector = workspace.getDetector(workspace_index)
            detector_shape = detector.shape().getBoundingBox().width()  # (X, Y, Z) values
            return {"width": detector_shape.X(), "height": detector_shape.Y()}
        workspace_index += 1

def get_instrument(source):
    Return the instrument object

    source: PyObject
        MatrixWorkspace, workspace name

        Instrument object

    def from_ws(ws):
        return ws.getInstrument()

    def from_string(s):
        if s in mtd:
            return get_instrument(mtd[s])

    dispatch = {MatrixWorkspace: from_ws, str: from_string}
    finder = [v for k, v in dispatch.items() if isinstance(source, k)][0]
    return finder(source)

[docs] def source_sample_distance(source, unit="mm", log_key=None, search_logs=True): r""" Report the distance (always positive!) between source and sample aperture. If logs are not used or distance fails to be found in the logs, then calculate the distance using the instrument configuration file. Parameters ---------- source: PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number unit: str 'mm' (millimeters), 'm' (meters) log_key: str Only search for the given string in the logs. Do not use default log keys search_logs: bool Report the value found in the logs. Returns ------- float distance between source and sample, in selected units """ m2units = dict(mm=1e3, m=1.0) mm2units = dict(mm=1.0, m=1e-3) # Search the logs for the distance if search_logs is True: # log_keys = ('source-sample-distance', 'source_sample-distance', # 'source_sample_distance', 'sample-source-distance', # 'sample_source-distance', 'sample_source_distance', # 'source_aperture_sample_distance', # 'source_aperture_sample_aperture_distance') # if log_key is not None: # log_keys = (log_key) # sample_logs = SampleLogs(source) # try: # lk = set(log_keys).intersection(set(sample_logs.keys())).pop() # lk_value = float(sample_logs.single_value(lk)) # # Default unit of lk is mm unless "m" specified # return lk_value * m2units[unit] if sample_logs[lk].units == 'm' else lk_value * mm2units[unit] # except KeyError: # pass # Search the logs for the distance meta_info_list = search_source_sample_distance_meta_name(source, log_key) if len(meta_info_list) == 0: # No meta data found: use instrument geometry to calculate distance pass else: # Retrieve source-sample distance from meta data and convert to correct unit # In case that there is more than 1 log that is found, it is assumed that one of them is the native # motor position and rest of them are aliases # Take the first one shall work meta_data_name, meta_distance, meta_data_unit = meta_info_list[0] distance = meta_distance * m2units[unit] if meta_data_unit == "m" else meta_distance * mm2units[unit] return distance # Calculate the distance using the instrument definition file instrument = get_instrument(source) sample = instrument.getSample() return abs(sample.getDistance(instrument.getSource())) * m2units[unit]
[docs] def search_source_sample_distance_meta_name(source, specified_meta_name): """Search meta data (sample logs) for source-sample distance Parameters ---------- source : PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number. specified_meta_name : str, None Only search for the given string in the source's meta data (logs). Do not use default log keys Returns ------- ~list item = (str, float, str) meta data name, sample detector distance value, unit """ # Allowed meta data name for source-sample distance including aliases # Currently EPICS uses 'source_aperture_sample_aperture_distance' log_key_order = [ "source_aperture_sample_aperture_distance", "source_aperture_sample_distance", "source-sample-distance", "source_sample-distance", "source_sample_distance", "sample-source-distance", "sample_source-distance", "sample_source_distance", ] log_keys = set(log_key_order) meta_data_list = _search_meta_data(source, log_keys, specified_meta_name) # return the index of meta_data_name in the log_key_order list def get_log_index(meta_data): return log_key_order.index(meta_data[0]) # the meta_data are sorted based on log_key_order items' order sorted_meta_data_list = sorted(meta_data_list, key=get_log_index) return sorted_meta_data_list
[docs] def sample_detector_distance( source, unit: str = "mm", log_key: Union[str, None] = None, search_logs: bool = True, forbid_calculation: bool = False, ) -> float: r""" Return the distance from the sample to the main detector bank plane The function checks the logs for the distance, otherwise returns the minimum distance between the sample and the detectors of the bank Parameters ---------- source: PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number. unit: str 'mm' (millimeters), 'm' (meters) log_key: str Only search for the given string in the logs. Do not use default log keys search_logs: bool Report the value found in the logs. forbid_calculation: bool Flag to raise an exception if it is required to get SDD from meta data but no associated meta data is found Returns ------- float distance between sample and detector, in selected units """ m2units = dict(mm=1e3, m=1.0) mm2units = dict(mm=1.0, m=1e-3) if search_logs is True: # Search the logs for the distance meta_info_list = search_sample_detector_distance_meta_name(source, log_key) if len(meta_info_list) == 0: # No meta data found: Use instrument information to get distance if forbid_calculation: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find any meta data related to SDD") else: # Calculate from log value considering unit # In case there are more than 1 log is found, it is assumed that all of them shall have the same # value, i.e., some of them are alias meta_data_name, meta_data_value, meta_data_unit = meta_info_list[0] distance = meta_data_value * m2units[unit] if meta_data_unit == "m" else meta_data_value * mm2units[unit] return distance # Calculate the distance using the instrument definition file instrument = get_instrument(source) det = instrument.getComponentByName(main_detector_name(source)) # Mantid instrument uses 'meter' only det_pos = det.getPos() sample_pos = instrument.getSample().getPos() sample_det_plane_distance = abs(det_pos.Z() - sample_pos.Z()) return sample_det_plane_distance * m2units[unit]
[docs] def search_sample_detector_distance_meta_name(source, specified_meta_name): """Search meta data (sample logs) for sample detector distance Parameters ---------- source : PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number. specified_meta_name : str, None Only search for the given string in the source's meta data (logs). Do not use default log keys Returns ------- ~list item = (str, float, str) meta data name, sample detector distance value, unit """ log_keys = { "detector-sample-distance", "detector_sample-distance", "detector_sample_distance", "sample-detector-distance", "sample_detector-distance", "sample_detector_distance", } # latest one return _search_meta_data(source, log_keys, specified_meta_name)
def _search_meta_data(source, default_search_set, specified_meta_name): """ Parameters ---------- source : PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number. default_search_set: ~set Set of strings of possible meta data name in workspace's run properties specified_meta_name: str User-specified meta data name overriding default_search_set Returns ------- ~list item = (str, float, str) meta data name, sample detector distance value, unit """ # Determine the possible meta data names to search for if specified_meta_name is None: # Possible meta data name log_keys = default_search_set else: # User specified log_keys = {specified_meta_name} # Get sample logs sample_logs = SampleLogs(source) # Intersection: found_log_names = sorted(list(log_keys.intersection((sample_logs.keys())))) # Decide log name meta_list = list() for meta_name in found_log_names: lk_value = float(sample_logs.single_value(meta_name)) distance_unit = sample_logs[meta_name].units meta_list.append((meta_name, lk_value, distance_unit)) return meta_list def source_detector_distance(source, unit="mm", search_logs=True): r""" Calculate distance between source and detector bank, in mili meters This functions is just the sum of functions `sample_source_distance` and `sample_detector_distance` Parameters ---------- source: PyObject Instrument object, MatrixWorkspace, workspace name, file name, run number unit: str 'mm' (millimeters), 'm' (meters) search_logs: bool Report the value as the sum of the source to sample distance and sample to detector distance found in the logs Returns ------- float """ ssd = source_sample_distance(source, unit=unit, search_logs=search_logs) sdd = sample_detector_distance(source, unit=unit, search_logs=search_logs) return ssd + sdd
[docs] def sample_aperture_diameter(input_workspace, unit="mm"): r""" Find and return the sample aperture diameter from the logs. Log keys searched are 'sample_aperture_diameter' and additional log entries for specific instruments. It is assumed that the units of the logged value is mm Parameters ---------- input_workspace: :py:obj:`~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` Input workspace from which to find the aperture unit: str return aperture in requested length unit, either 'm' or 'mm' Returns ------- float """ # Additional log keys aiding in calculating the sample aperture diameter log_keys = ["sample_aperture_diameter"] try: additional_log_keys = { InstrumentEnumName.EQSANS: ["beamslit4"], InstrumentEnumName.GPSANS: [], InstrumentEnumName.BIOSANS: [], } log_keys += additional_log_keys[instrument_enum_name(input_workspace)] except KeyError: # In case the instrument name (test instrument) not in EQ, GP and BIO-SANS pass sample_logs = SampleLogs(input_workspace) diameter = None for log_key in log_keys: if log_key in sample_logs.keys(): diameter = sample_logs.single_value(log_key) break # There are runs for GPSANS and BIOSANS containing log entry "sample_aperture_radius" storing the diameter! if "sample_aperture_radius" in SampleLogs(input_workspace).keys(): run_limit = { InstrumentEnumName.GPSANS: 7460, InstrumentEnumName.BIOSANS: 1791, }.get(instrument_enum_name(input_workspace), 0) if int(SampleLogs(input_workspace).run_number.value) < run_limit: diameter = SampleLogs(input_workspace).single_value("sample_aperture_radius") if diameter is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve the sample aperture diameter from the logs") # If the diameter was found using the additional logs, then insert a log for the diameter under key # "sample_aperture_diameter" if "sample_aperture_diameter" not in sample_logs.keys(): sample_logs.insert("sample_aperture_diameter", diameter, unit="mm") return diameter if unit == "mm" else diameter / 1.0e3
[docs] def source_aperture_diameter(input_workspace, unit="mm"): r""" Find and return the sample aperture diameter from the logs, or compute this quantity from other log entries. Log key searched is 'source_aperture_diameter'. It is assumed that the units of the logged value is mm Parameters ---------- input_workspace: :py:obj:`~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` Input workspace from which to find the aperture unit: str return aperture in requested length unit, either 'm' or 'mm' Returns ------- float """ sample_logs = SampleLogs(input_workspace) diameter = None try: diameter = sample_logs.single_value("source_aperture_diameter") except RuntimeError: # There are runs for GPSANS and BIOSANS containing log entry "source_aperture_radius" storing the diameter! if "source_aperture_radius" in sample_logs.keys(): run_limit = { InstrumentEnumName.GPSANS: 7460, InstrumentEnumName.BIOSANS: 1791, }.get(instrument_enum_name(input_workspace), 0) if int(SampleLogs(input_workspace).run_number.value) < run_limit: diameter = sample_logs.single_value("source_aperture_radius") if diameter is None: raise ValueError("Unable to retrieve the source aperture diameter from the logs") return diameter if unit == "mm" else diameter / 1.0e3
def translate_source_by_z(input_workspace, z=None, relative=False): r""" Adjust the Z-coordinate of the source. Parameters ---------- input_workspace: ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace Input workspace containing instrument file z: float Translation to be applied, in units of meters. If :py:obj:`None`, the quantity stored in the logs is used, unless the source has already been translated by this quantity. relative: bool If :py:obj:`True`, add to the current z-coordinate. If :py:obj:`False`, substitute the current z-coordinate with the new value. """ if z is None: sample_logs = SampleLogs(input_workspace) # If detector_z_log exists in the sample logs, use it source_z_log = None for logname in [ "source-sample-distance", "source_aperture_sample_aperture_distance", ]: if logname in sample_logs: source_z_log = logname break if source_z_log is not None: factor = 1.0 if sample_logs[source_z_log].units == "m" else 1e-3 distance_from_log = factor * sample_logs.single_value(source_z_log) # assumed in millimeters # Has the detector already been translated by this quantity? for source_name in ("moderator", "source"): moderator = get_instrument(input_workspace).getComponentByName(source_name) if moderator is not None: _, _, current_z = moderator.getPos() if abs(distance_from_log - abs(current_z)) > 1e-03: # differ by more than one millimeter z = -distance_from_log break if z is not None: if (not relative) or (z != 0.0): for source_name in ("moderator", "source"): if get_instrument(input_workspace).getComponentByName(source_name) is not None: MoveInstrumentComponent( Workspace=input_workspace, Z=z, ComponentName=source_name, RelativePosition=relative, ) break
[docs] def translate_sample_by_z(workspace, z): r""" Shift the position of the sample by the desired amount Parameters ---------- workspace: ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace Input workspace containing instrument file z: float Translation to be applied in meters. Positive values are downstream. """ # only move if the value is non-zero if z != 0.0: ws_name = str(workspace) MoveInstrumentComponent( Workspace=str(workspace), Z=z, ComponentName="sample-position", RelativePosition=True, ) workspace = mtd[ws_name] logger.debug( "Instrument sample position is moved to {}" "".format(workspace.getInstrument().getSample().getPos()) ) # update the appropriate log # 'source_aperture_sample_aperture_distance' is not coupled with sample/source distance. Thus # it won't be updated # FIXME - This is a technical debt because NO instrument or other drt-sans code actually does use this value sample_logs = SampleLogs(workspace) logname_to_set = "source-sample-distance" # default sample_logs.insert( logname_to_set, source_sample_distance(workspace, search_logs=False, unit="mm"), unit="mm", )
# FIXME - sample-detector distance shall be updated too
[docs] def translate_detector_by_z(input_workspace, z=None, relative=True): r""" Adjust the Z-coordinate of the detector. Parameters ---------- input_workspace: ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace Input workspace containing instrument file z: float Translation to be applied, in units of meters. If :py:obj:`None`, the quantity stored in log_key ~drtsans.geometry.detector_z_log is used, unless the detector has already been translated by this quantity. relative: bool If :py:obj:`True`, add to the current z-coordinate. If :py:obj:`False`, substitute the current z-coordinate with the new value. """ update_log = False if z is None: sample_logs = SampleLogs(input_workspace) # If detector_z_log exists in the sample logs, use it if detector_z_log in sample_logs: translation_from_log = 1e-3 * sample_logs.single_value(detector_z_log) # assumed in millimeters # Has the detector already been translated by this quantity? main_detector_array = main_detector_name(input_workspace) _, _, current_z = get_instrument(input_workspace).getComponentByName(main_detector_array).getPos() if abs(translation_from_log - current_z) > 1e-03: # differ by more than one millimeter z = translation_from_log if z is not None: update_log = True if (not relative) or (z != 0.0): logger.debug( "Moving detector along Z = {} is relative = {} to component {}" "".format(z, relative, main_detector_name(input_workspace)) ) MoveInstrumentComponent( Workspace=input_workspace, Z=z, ComponentName=main_detector_name(input_workspace), RelativePosition=relative, ) # update the appropriate log if update_log: sample_logs = SampleLogs(input_workspace) sample_logs.insert( "sample-detector-distance", sample_detector_distance(input_workspace, search_logs=False), unit="mm", )
################################################################################# # Functionality to help simulate events or intensities for a component panel ################################################################################# PIXELS_IN_TUBE: int = 256 def get_position_south_detector(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace, EventWorkspace]) -> float: r""" Get the downstream position of the south detector. Parameters ---------- Name or handle to a Mantid Workspace. Returns ------- Position of the south detector from the origin, in meters """ workspace = mtd[str(input_workspace)] mantid_instrument = workspace.getInstrument() south_detector = mantid_instrument.getComponentByName("detector1") return south_detector.getPos().Z() def get_curvature_radius(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str) -> float: r""" Get the curvature radius of the given component. Currently, only the BIOSANS instrument is supported since it's the only one with curved detectors. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the curved double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "wing_detector", "midrange_detector") Returns ------- Nominal radius of curvature of the given component, in meters """ instrument = instrument_standard_name(input_workspace) radii = { "BIOSANS": { "wing_detector": 1.1633, "midrange_detector": 4.0000, } } return radii[instrument][component] def spectrum_info_ranges( input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace, EventWorkspace], component: str ) -> Tuple[int, int]: r""" Get the spectra range (as workspace indexes) for the given component. This assumes monitors have no spectra associated to them. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "detector1", "wing_detector") Returns ------- First and next-to-last workspace indexes for the given component """ ranges = { "BIOSANS": { "detector1": (0, 49152), # 49152 is the first pixel in the next component "wing_detector": (49152, 90112), # 90112 is the first pixel in the next component "midrange_detector": (90112, 106496), }, "EQSANS": { "detector1": (0, 49152), # 49152 is 1 + last_pixel_index }, "GPSANS": { "detector1": (0, 49152), # 49152 is 1 + last_pixel_index }, } instrument = instrument_standard_name(input_workspace) return ranges[instrument][component] def get_pixel_masks(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str) -> np.ndarray: r""" Get the pixel masks for the given component. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "detector1", "wing_detector") Returns ------- Array of True/False values, where True indicates that the pixel is masked. """ spectrum_info = mtd[str(input_workspace)].spectrumInfo() first, next_to_last = spectrum_info_ranges(input_workspace, component) return np.array([spectrum_info.isMasked(idx) for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) def get_pixel_distances(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str) -> np.ndarray: r""" Get the distances from the sample to each of the pixel detectors in the given component, in meters. Parameters ---------- input_workspace The workspace to calculate the solid angles for. component The component to calculate the solid angles for. (e.g "midrange_detector", "detector1"). Returns ------- np.ndarray """ spectrum_info = mtd[str(input_workspace)].spectrumInfo() first, next_to_last = spectrum_info_ranges(input_workspace, component) return np.array([spectrum_info.l2(idx) for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) def get_xyz(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r""" Get the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the pixels in the given component. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "detector1", "wing_detector") Returns ------- Tuple of all X, Y, and Z coordinates of the pixels in the given component """ spectrum_info = mtd[str(input_workspace)].spectrumInfo() first, next_to_last = spectrum_info_ranges(input_workspace, component) x = np.array([spectrum_info.position(idx).X() for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) y = np.array([spectrum_info.position(idx).Y() for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) z = np.array([spectrum_info.position(idx).Z() for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) return x, y, z def get_xy(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r""" Get the X and Y coordinates of the pixels in the given component. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "detector1", "wing_detector") Returns ------- Tuple of all X and Y coordinates of the pixels in the given component """ x, y, z = get_xyz(input_workspace, component) return x, y _instrument_solid_angles_cache = { "BIOSANS": {"midrange_detector": None, "wing_detector": None, "detector1": None}, "EQSANS": {"detector1": None}, "GPSANS": {"detector1": None}, } def get_twothetas(input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str, units="degrees") -> np.ndarray: r""" Get the two-theta angles for each of the pixel detectors in the given component. Parameters ---------- input_workspace Mantid workspace or name of the workspace component One of the double-panels in the instrument (e.g. "detector1", "wing_detector") units The units to return the two-theta angles in. Must be one of "degrees" or "radians". Returns ------- Array of two-theta angles for each of the pixel detectors in the given component. """ if units.lower() not in ["degrees", "radians"]: raise ValueError("units must be 'degrees' or 'radians'") spectrum_info = mtd[str(input_workspace)].spectrumInfo() first, next_to_last = spectrum_info_ranges(input_workspace, component) two_thetas = np.array([spectrum_info.twoTheta(idx) for idx in range(first, next_to_last)]) if units.lower() == "degrees": return np.degrees(two_thetas) else: return two_thetas def get_solid_angles( input_workspace: Union[str, MantidWorkspace], component: str, back_panel_attenuation: float = 0.5 ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Calculate (and cache) the solid angles subtended by the detector pixels of the given component. Pixel detectors in the Wing and Midrange componets are invariant under rotation of the whole component. Therefore, the solid angles are computed once. The solid angles for the South Detector component depend on the position of the component, hence solid angles are cached at each position, with a generous resolution of 0.5 m in position. Parameters ---------- input_workspace The workspace to calculate the solid angles for. component The component to calculate the solid angles for. Must be one of "midrange_detector", "wing_detector", or "detector1". back_panel_attenuation An approximate constant attenuation factor for pixels in the back panel of the component, since they're partially occluded by the pixels in the front panel. Returns ------- The solid angles subtended by the detector pixels of the given component. """ def _get_solid_angles(): r"""The solid angle of a pixel with coordinates (x, y, z) is given by cos(chi) / r^2 = (x^2 + Z^2) / r^3. Angle chi is the angle between the position vector of the pixel detector and the horizontal (XZ) plane. """ if component == "detector1": # approximation for the South panel: assume it's a curved detector. radius = get_position_south_detector(input_workspace) else: radius = get_curvature_radius(input_workspace, component) distances = get_pixel_distances(input_workspace, component) # pixels in the front and back panel of the component alternate every four Helium tubes # we first calculate the attenuation in and eightpack (8 Helium tubes) pixels_in_a_fourpack = 4 * PIXELS_IN_TUBE attenuation = np.concatenate( (np.repeat(1.0, pixels_in_a_fourpack), np.repeat(back_panel_attenuation, pixels_in_a_fourpack)) ) # repeat the eightpack attenuation for all eightpacks in the component pixel_count = len(distances) eightpack_count = int(pixel_count / (2 * pixels_in_a_fourpack)) attenuation = np.tile(attenuation, eightpack_count) return attenuation * radius / np.power(distances, 3) solid_angles_cache = _instrument_solid_angles_cache[instrument_standard_name(input_workspace)] DISTANCE_BIN_WIDTH = 0.5 # meters if solid_angles_cache[component] is None: if component == "detector1": position_bin = int(get_position_south_detector(input_workspace) / DISTANCE_BIN_WIDTH) solid_angles_cache[component] = {position_bin: _get_solid_angles()} return solid_angles_cache[component][position_bin] else: # wing or midrange solid_angles_cache[component] = _get_solid_angles() return solid_angles_cache[component] else: if component == "detector1": position_bin = int(get_position_south_detector(input_workspace) / DISTANCE_BIN_WIDTH) if position_bin not in solid_angles_cache[component]: solid_angles_cache[component][position_bin] = _get_solid_angles() return solid_angles_cache[component][position_bin] else: # wing or midrange return solid_angles_cache[component]