Source code for drtsans.mono.bar_scan_pixel_calibration

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import os
import time

# Mantid imports
from mantid.simpleapi import (

# drtsans imports
from drtsans.mono.gpsans import (
from drtsans.pixel_calibration import Table
import sys

[docs] def locate_bar_scan_files(ipts_number, exp_number, scan_number, pt_numbers, root_dir): # Convert from SPICE xml to event Nexus ipts_directory = os.path.join(root_dir, f"IPTS-{ipts_number}/shared/Exp{exp_number}/") if os.path.exists(ipts_directory) is False: os.mkdir(ipts_directory) data_files = list() err_msg = "" for pt_number in pt_numbers: # bar_scan_files.items(): event_nexus_name = "CG2_{:04}{:04}{:04}.nxs.h5".format(exp_number, scan_number, pt_number) event_nexus_name = os.path.join(ipts_directory, event_nexus_name) if not os.path.exists(event_nexus_name): err_msg += f"Pt {pt_number} has been not been converted to {event_nexus_name} yet\n" else: data_files.append(event_nexus_name) # END-FOR if len(err_msg) > 0: print(f"[ERROR] {err_msg}") sys.exit(-1) return data_files
[docs] def locate_flood_file(ipts_number, exp_number, scan_number, pt_number, root_dir="/HFIR/CG2"): """Locate flood Nexus file Parameters ---------- ipts_number exp_number scan_number pt_number root_dir Returns ------- str flood Nexus file path """ flood_ipts_directory = os.path.join(root_dir, f"IPTS-{ipts_number}/shared/Exp{exp_number}/") if os.path.exists(flood_ipts_directory) is False: os.mkdir(flood_ipts_directory) flood_nexus_name = "CG2_{:04}{:04}{:04}.nxs.h5".format(exp_number, scan_number, pt_number) flood_nexus_name = os.path.join(flood_ipts_directory, flood_nexus_name) if not os.path.exists(flood_nexus_name): raise RuntimeError(f"Flood Nexus file {flood_nexus_name} does not exist") return flood_nexus_name
[docs] def generate_intermediate_files(bar_scan_files, save_dir): print("####\n\nCreating intermediate files, one for each barscan run. This can take up to one hour") barscan_dataset = list() # list of histogram files # Convert to histogram for future use with efficiency for bar_scan_run in bar_scan_files: base_name = os.path.basename(bar_scan_run).split(".")[0] file_histogram = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{base_name}.nxs") if os.path.exists(file_histogram): # exist print("File {} already exists".format(file_histogram)) else: # load and recreate workspace_events = f"{base_name}_events" LoadEventNexus( Filename=bar_scan_run, LoadMonitors=False, OutputWorkspace=workspace_events, ) workspace_counts = f"{base_name}_counts" HFIRSANS2Wavelength(InputWorkspace=workspace_events, OutputWorkspace=workspace_counts) SaveNexus(InputWorkspace=workspace_counts, Filename=file_histogram) # Clean workspace DeleteWorkspaces([workspace_events, workspace_counts]) # append file name for next step barscan_dataset.append(file_histogram) return barscan_dataset
[docs] def generate_pixel_map( bar_scan_files, flood_file, save_dir_root, database_file_base, calib_name_base="CG2_Pixel_Calibration", mask_file="testdata/mask_pixel_map.nxs", ): """Generate pixel calibration map from bar scan # Mask file containing the detector ID's comprising the beam center. # mask_file = f'/HFIR/CG2/IPTS-{ipts}/shared/pixel_flood_mask.nxs' Parameters ---------- bar_scan_files flood_file save_dir_root database_file_base calib_name_base: str Base name for calibration file mask_file Returns ------- generator (bar scan data set, flood), calibration (step 1), """ # Check output directory if not os.path.exists(save_dir_root): os.mkdir(save_dir_root) save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir_root, f"{len(bar_scan_files)}_runs") if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create intermediate files barscan_dataset = generate_intermediate_files(bar_scan_files, save_dir) # return bar scan data set yield barscan_dataset, flood_file print("#####\n\nCalculating the barscan calibration with the default formula. This takes ~10 minutes") start_time = time.time() # TODO - THIS IS SO MAGIC! formula = "565 - {y} - 0.0914267 * (191 - {tube})" calibration = calculate_barscan_calibration(barscan_dataset, formula=formula) print("Calibration took ", int((time.time() - start_time) / 60), "minutes") print("####\n\nRemoving the Bar Tilt and Centering the Detector") calibration = untilt_and_center(calibration) print("#####\n\nSaving the calibration .. May overwrite already saved calibration") # Notice we overwrite the already saved calibration, which will happen if we run this notebook more than once. # table file name (find out) database_file = os.path.join(save_dir, database_file_base) print(f"[INFO] Database file {database_file}: Exist = {os.path.exists(database_file)}") cal_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(database_file), "tables") # directory where to save the table file os.makedirs(cal_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create directory, and don't complain if already exists calibration_table_nexus = os.path.join(cal_dir, f"{calib_name_base}.nxs") # save, database=database_file, tablefile=calibration_table_nexus) # return first calibration calibration.state_flag = 1 yield calibration, database_file # calibration step 1 print("#####\n\napply the calibration to the flood run as a test") flood_ws_name = "flood_run" LoadEventNexus(Filename=flood_file, OutputWorkspace=flood_ws_name) HFIRSANS2Wavelength(InputWorkspace=flood_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=flood_ws_name) # calculate tube width calibration print("#####\n\nCalculating the Tube Width Calibration") apply_mask(flood_ws_name, mask=mask_file) start_time = time.time() calibration = calculate_apparent_tube_width(flood_ws_name, load_barscan_calibration=True, db_file=database_file) print("Calibration took ", int(time.time() - start_time), "seconds") print("#####\n\nSaving the Tube Width calibration") # Notice we overwrite the already saved calibration, which will happen if we run this notebook more than once. #, database=database_file, tablefile=calibration_table_nexus) calibration.state_flag = 2 yield calibration, flood_ws_name # calibration 2 # Final output print(f"[INFO] Save to {save_dir}: {calibration_table_nexus}") yield calibration_table_nexus
[docs] def generate_spice_pixel_map( ipts_number, exp_number, scan_number, pt_numbers, flood_ipts_number, flood_exp_number, flood_scan_number, flood_pt_number, root_dir, save_dir_root, mask_file, ): bar_scan_files = locate_bar_scan_files(ipts_number, exp_number, scan_number, pt_numbers, root_dir) flood_file = locate_flood_file( flood_ipts_number, flood_exp_number, flood_scan_number, flood_pt_number, root_dir, ) # data base file name database_file_dict = { "CG2": "/HFIR/CG2/shared/calibration/pixel_calibration.json", "CG3": "/HFIR/CG3/shared/calibration/pixel_calibration.json", } database_file_base = os.path.basename(database_file_dict["CG2"]) return generate_pixel_map( bar_scan_files, flood_file, save_dir_root, database_file_base, mask_file=mask_file, )
[docs] def untilt_and_center(a_calibration): r""" Removing the Bar Tilt and Centering the Detector Thinking of the fitted positions for the bottom and top pixels, we can think of the detector array as a deformed rectangle (angles between sides different than 90 degrees), which must be transformed into a rectangle with squared angles (angles between sides equal to 90 degrees). We take the tube in the middle of the main detector array as our reference. We will adjust every other tube so that for every tube, its top and bottom *fitted* pixel positions will coincide with the top and bottom *fitted* positions of the middle tube. Also, since top and bottom fitted positions have a different variation with tube index, the fitted tube lenght changes sligtly with tube index. Thus, we will rescale the fitted tube length to coincide with the fitted tube length of the middle tube. This amounts to a rescaling of pixel heights. Finally, after removing the tilt we displace the detector so that the center of mass lies at `Y=0`. """ # Create a 2D array of pixel heights, dimensions are (number_tubes x pixels_in_tube) pixel_in_tube_count = 256 tube_count = int(len(a_calibration.positions) / pixel_in_tube_count) positions = np.array(a_calibration.positions).reshape((tube_count, pixel_in_tube_count)) heights = np.array(a_calibration.heights).reshape((tube_count, pixel_in_tube_count)) def fit(tube_tip_positions): r"""This function will fit the bottom or top pixels against the tube index""" tube_indexes = np.arange(tube_count) # heights as function of tube index coeffs = np.polyfit(tube_indexes, tube_tip_positions, 1) fitted = np.poly1d(coeffs)(tube_indexes) # fitted positions of the tube tip return coeffs, fitted _, fitted_top = fit(positions[:, -1]) # fitted positions of the tube tops _, fitted_bottom = fit(positions[:, 0]) # fitted positions of the tube bottom # We'll adjust the positions of the tubes to comply with the middle tube tube_reference_index = int(tube_count / 2) # tube in the middle of the detector tube_length_reference = fitted_top[tube_reference_index] - fitted_bottom[tube_reference_index] # shifts_top indicate the difference in fitted positions for the tube tops with respect to the fitted positions # for the top of the middle tube shifts_top = fitted_top[tube_reference_index] - fitted_top shifts_bottom = fitted_bottom[tube_reference_index] - fitted_bottom # Calculate now the shifts for every single pixel, going tube by tube pixel_indexes = np.arange(pixel_in_tube_count) shifts = list() scalings = list() for tube_index in range(tube_count): a, b = shifts_bottom[tube_index], shifts_top[tube_index] shifts_in_tube = a + (b - a) * pixel_indexes / pixel_in_tube_count shifts.append(shifts_in_tube) tube_length = fitted_top[tube_index] - fitted_bottom[tube_index] scalings_in_tube = [tube_length_reference / tube_length] * pixel_in_tube_count scalings.append(scalings_in_tube) positions_new = positions + np.array(shifts) heights_new = heights * np.array(scalings) # Set CM at y=0 positions_new -= np.mean(positions.ravel()) # retrieve components from the main calibration in order to construct a new calibration metadata = deepcopy(a_calibration.metadata) detector_ids = deepcopy(a_calibration.detector_ids) recalibration = Table( metadata, detector_ids=detector_ids, positions=positions_new.ravel(), heights=heights_new.ravel(), ) return recalibration