Source code for drtsans.mono.normalization

Links to mantid algorithms
CreateSingleValuedWorkspace <>
Divide <>
from mantid.simpleapi import CreateSingleValuedWorkspace, Divide
from mantid.api import mtd

Hyperlinks to drtsans functions
SampleLogs <>
"""  # noqa: E501
from drtsans.samplelogs import SampleLogs

__all__ = ["normalize_by_time", "normalize_by_monitor", "normalize_by_flux"]

[docs] def normalize_by_flux(ws, method): """Normalize to time or monitor Parameters ---------- input_workspace : ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace method : str Normalization method: 'time' or 'monitor' """ if method == "time": return normalize_by_time(input_workspace=ws) elif method == "monitor": return normalize_by_monitor(input_workspace=ws) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def normalize_by_time(input_workspace, output_workspace=None): """Normalize by time Used to normalize dark current **Mantid algorithms used:** :ref:`Divide <algm-Divide-v1>`, Parameters ---------- input_workspace : ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace output_workspace: str Optional name of the output workspace. Default is to replace the input workspace """ log_keys = ("duration", "timer") # valid log keys to search for run duration input_workspace = str(input_workspace) if output_workspace is None: output_workspace = input_workspace for log_key in log_keys: try: duration = SampleLogs(input_workspace).single_value(log_key) # Cast the timer value into a Mantid workspace to later divide the input workspace by this workspace duration_workspace = CreateSingleValuedWorkspace(duration, OutputWorkspace=mtd.unique_hidden_name()) break except RuntimeError: continue # check next log entry Divide( LHSWorkspace=input_workspace, RHSWorkspace=duration_workspace, OutputWorkspace=output_workspace, ) duration_workspace.delete() # some cleanup return mtd[output_workspace]
[docs] def normalize_by_monitor(input_workspace, output_workspace=None): """Normalize by the monitor value **Mantid algorithms used:** :ref: `CreateSingleValuedWorkspace <algm-CreateSingleValuedWorkspace-v1> :ref:`Divide <algm-Divide-v1>`, Parameters ---------- input_workspace : ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace output_workspace: str Optional name of the output workspace. Default is to replace the input workspace Returns ------- ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace the normalized input workspace Raises ------ RuntimeError No monitor metadata found in the sample logs of the input workspace """ metadata_entry_names = [ "monitor", # created by load_events "monitor1", ] # may be in the DAS logs reference_total_counts = 1.0e08 # actual number selected by the instrument team input_workspace = str(input_workspace) if output_workspace is None: output_workspace = input_workspace for entry_name in metadata_entry_names: monitor = None try: monitor = SampleLogs(input_workspace).single_value(entry_name) / reference_total_counts if float(monitor) <= 0.0: records = SampleLogs(input_workspace).records_json(logs=["run_start", "slice_info", "slice_interval"]) raise ValueError(f"Zero monitor counts for workspace {str(input_workspace)}\n{str(records)}") break except RuntimeError: # the entry is not found in the metadata continue # search next entry else: raise RuntimeError("No monitor metadata found") # Cast the monitor value into a Mantid workspace to later divide the input workspace by this workspace monitor_workspace = CreateSingleValuedWorkspace(monitor, OutputWorkspace=mtd.unique_hidden_name()) Divide( LHSWorkspace=input_workspace, RHSWorkspace=monitor_workspace, OutputWorkspace=output_workspace, ) monitor_workspace.delete() return mtd[output_workspace]