Source code for drtsans.plots.api

import json
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Any, Dict
import matplotlib
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # noqa E402
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm  # noqa E402
import mpld3  # noqa E402
from mpld3 import plugins  # noqa E402

from mantid.api import mtd  # noqa E402
from mantid.simpleapi import logger  # noqa E402
from drtsans.tubecollection import TubeCollection  # noqa E402
from drtsans.dataobjects import DataType, getDataType  # noqa E402
from drtsans.geometry import panel_names  # noqa E402
from import get_wedges  # noqa E402
from import validate_wedges_groups  # noqa E402

__all__ = ["plot_IQmod", "plot_IQazimuthal", "plot_detector"]

# mpld3 taken from hack from
if mpld3.__version__ == "0.3":

    class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
                return obj.tolist()
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    from mpld3 import _display  # noqa E402

    _display.NumpyEncoder = NumpyEncoder

class Backend:
    """Class for denoting which back-end to save the plot using"""

    MPLD3 = "d3"  # read-only
    MATPLOTLIB = "mpl"  # read and write
    MPL_ALT = "mpld3"  # alternative backend for d3
    MATPLOTLIB_ALT = "matplotlib"  # r alternative backend for mpl

    def getMode(cls, mode: str):
        """Public function to convert anything into :py:obj:`Backend`"""

        mode = str(mode).lower()
        if mode == "mpl" or mode == "matplotlib":
            return cls.MATPLOTLIB
        elif mode == "mpld3" or mode == "d3":
            return cls.MPLD3
            # add the new mode
            setattr(cls, mode.upper(), mode)
            return getattr(cls, mode.upper())

    def isSupported(cls, mode: str):
        """function to check if mode is supported"""
        return mode.lower() in [cls.MPLD3, cls.MPL_ALT, cls.MATPLOTLIB_ALT, cls.MATPLOTLIB]

class MatBackendManager:
    """Context Manager for setting matplotlib backend"""

    def __init__(self, innerbackend):
        self.innerbackend = innerbackend
        self.outerbackend = matplotlib.get_backend()

    def __enter__(self):
        """set the inner backend on entering the code block"""

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
        """set the outer backend on exiting the code block"""

def _save_file(figure, filename, backend: str, show=False):
    """Convenience method for the common bits of saving the file based on
    the selected backend.

    figure: ~matplotlib.pyplot.figure
        The figure to save to a file
    filename: str
        The name of the file to save to
        Which :py:obj:`Backend` to use for saving
    show: bool
        Whether or not to show the figure rather than saving. This is only
        available if the :py:obj:`~Backend.MPLD3` backend is selected.

    # Auto-closing of figures upon backend switching is deprecated since 3.8
    # and will be removed two minor releases later, so explicitly call plt.close('all')

    with MatBackendManager("agg") as _m:
        if Backend.isSupported(backend):
            if backend == Backend.MATPLOTLIB:
                if filename:
                if show:
            elif backend == Backend.MPLD3:
                if not filename.endswith("json"):
                    raise RuntimeError('File "{}" must have ".json" suffix'.format(filename))

                plugins.connect(figure, plugins.MousePosition(fontsize=14, fmt=".0f"))
                with open(filename, "w") as outfile:
                    mpld3.save_json(figure, outfile)

                if show:
            raise RuntimeError("Unsupported backend: {}".format(backend))

def _q_label(backend: str, subscript=""):
    """mpld3 doesn't currently support latex markup. This generates an
    acceptable label for the supplied backend.

        Which :py:obj:`Backend` attribute to generate the caption for
    subscript: str
        The subscript on the "Q" label. If none is specified then no
        subscript will be displayed
    label = "Q"
    if subscript:
        label += "_" + str(subscript)

    if backend == Backend.MATPLOTLIB:
        return "$" + label + r" (\AA^{-1})$"
    else:  # mpld3
        return label + " (1/{})".format("\u212B")

[docs] def plot_IQmod(workspaces, filename, loglog=True, backend: str = "d3", errorbar_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """Save a plot representative of the supplied workspaces Parameters ---------- workspaces: list, tuple A collection of :py:obj:`~drtsans.dataobjects.IQmod` workspaces to plot. If only one is desired, it must still be supplied in a :py:obj:`list` or :py:obj:`tuple`. filename: str The name of the file to save to. For the :py:obj:`~Backend.MATPLOTLIB` backend, the type of file is determined from the file extension loglog: bool If true will set both axis to logarithmic, otherwise leave them as linear backend Which backend to save the file using errorbar_kwargs: dict Optional arguments to :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar` Can be a comma separated list for each workspace e.g. ``{'label':'main,wing,both', 'color':'r,b,g', 'marker':'o,v,.'}`` kwargs: dict Additional key word arguments for :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ backend = Backend.getMode(backend) for workspace in workspaces: datatype = getDataType(workspace) if datatype != DataType.IQ_MOD: raise RuntimeError('Do not know how to plot type="{}"'.format(datatype)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for n, workspace in enumerate(workspaces): eb, _, _ = ax.errorbar(workspace.mod_q, workspace.intensity, yerr=workspace.error) for key in errorbar_kwargs: value = [v.strip() for v in errorbar_kwargs[key].split(",")] plt.setp(eb, key, value[min(n, len(value) - 1)]) ax.set_xlabel(_q_label(backend)) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity") if loglog: ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if handles: ax.legend(handles, labels) if kwargs: plt.setp(ax, **kwargs) _save_file(fig, filename, backend)
def _create_ring_roi(iq2d, q_min, q_max, input_roi) -> np.ndarray: """Create a mask or ROI by q range and result in a ring (or circle) Returns ------- np.ndarray Boolean numpy array with same shape as input iq2d. False for masking, True for ROI """ # create region of interest overlay output_roi = input_roi # Larger than min Q if q_min is not None: # roi = np.logical_and(roi, np.square(iq2d.qx) + np.square(iq2d.qy) > np.square(q_min)) q_min_roi = np.square(iq2d.qx) + np.square(iq2d.qy) > np.square(q_min) # act on output output_roi = np.logical_and(output_roi, q_min_roi) # Less than max Q if q_max is not None: q_max_roi = np.square(iq2d.qx) + np.square(iq2d.qy) < np.square(q_max) # act on output output_roi = np.logical_and(output_roi, q_max_roi) return output_roi def _create_wedge_roi( iq2d, wedges, symmetric_wedges: bool, input_roi: np.ndarray, qx_limit: float = 1e10 ) -> np.ndarray: """Create ROI matrix with Parameters ---------- iq2d wedges symmetric_wedges input_roi qx_limit: float Upper limit of possible Qx Returns ------- np.ndarray boolean array with same shape as intensity. True for ROI. """ # set output output_roi = input_roi # Check: wedge must be specified if wedges is None: return output_roi # create bool array selecting nothing roi_wedges = np.zeros(iq2d.intensity.shape).astype(bool) # expand the supplied variables into an easier form # get validated wedge in groups and flatten it to list of wedge angles wedge_angles = validate_wedges_groups(wedges, symmetric_wedges) wedge_angles = [wedge_angle for wedges_group in wedge_angles for wedge_angle in wedges_group] # create the individual selections and combine with 'or' # Note: qx is in [[qx0, qx0, qx0, ...], [qx1, qx1, qx1, ...], ...] # qy is in [[qy0, qy1, qy2, ...], [qy0, qy1, qy2, ...], ...] # this is transposed comparing to how Qx and Qy is plotted for the output azimuthal = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(iq2d.qy, iq2d.qx)) # Try 1azimuthal = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(workspace.qx, workspace.qy)) azimuthal[azimuthal <= -90.0] += 360.0 for lower_boundary_angle, upper_boundary_angle in wedge_angles: wedge = np.logical_and((azimuthal > lower_boundary_angle), (azimuthal < upper_boundary_angle)) roi_wedges = np.logical_or(roi_wedges, wedge) # combine with existing roi output_roi = np.logical_and(output_roi, roi_wedges) return output_roi def _require_transpose_intensity(iq2d) -> bool: """Check whether the intensity/ROI in IQazimuthal shall be transposed to plot as Qx in horizontal and Qy in vertical """ # Determine whether intensity matrix shall be inverted or not qx2d = iq2d.qx qy2d = iq2d.qy # set up the flag to transpose ROI if I(Qx, Qy) is to be tranposed transpose_flag = False if len(qx2d.shape) == 1: # No need to transpose if Qx and Qy are given in 1-dim transpose_flag = True if len(qx2d.shape) == 2 and qx2d.shape[0] > 1 and np.sum(qx2d[0] == qx2d[1]) == qx2d.shape[1]: # Input Qx and Qy are 2-dim and # I(Qx, Qy) is of same order as meshgrid(Qx, Qy) # Qx have identical among rows: if qy2d.shape[1] > 1: # sanity check assert np.sum(qy2d[:, 0] == qy2d[:, 1]) == qy2d.shape[0], "Qy shall have identical columns" else: # I(Qx, Qy) is transposed to meshgrid(Qx, Qy) transpose_flag = True return transpose_flag
[docs] def plot_IQazimuthal( workspace, filename, backend: str = "d3", qmin: float = None, qmax: float = None, wedges: List[Any] = None, symmetric_wedges: bool = True, mask_alpha=0.6, imshow_kwargs: Dict = {}, **kwargs, ): """Save a plot of I(Qx, Qy). If qmin is specified, all I(Q) with Q less than qmin will be masked in output plot. If qmax is specified, all I(Q) with Q greater than qmax will be masked in output plot. If wedges are specified, all I(Q) out side of wedges will be masked in output plot. Parameters ---------- workspace: ~drtsans.dataobjects.IQazimuthal The workspace (i.e., I(Qx, Qy)) to plot. This assumes the data is binned on a constant grid. filename: str The name of the file to save to. For the :py:obj:`~Backend.MATPLOTLIB` backend, the type of file is determined from the file extension qmin: float minimum 1D Q for plotting selection area qmax: float maximum 1D Q for plotting selection area wedges: ~list or None list of tuples (angle_min, angle_max) for the wedges. Select wedges to plot. Both numbers have to be in the [-90,270) range. It will add the wedge offset by 180 degrees dependent on ``symmetric_wedges`` symmetric_wedges: bool Add the wedge offset by 180 degrees if True mask_alpha: float Opacity for for selection area backend Which backend to save the file using imshow_kwargs: ~dict Optional arguments to :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` e.g. ``{"norm": LogNorm()}`` kwargs: ~dict Additional key word arguments for :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ # Set up backend and verify data type backend = Backend.getMode(backend) datatype = getDataType(workspace) if datatype != DataType.IQ_AZIMUTHAL: raise RuntimeError('Do not know how to plot type="{}"'.format(datatype)) # Set up ROI/mask roi = (np.zeros(workspace.intensity.shape) + 1).astype(bool) # ROI as a ring (qmin, qmax) roi = _create_ring_roi(workspace, qmin, qmax, roi) # wedge roi = _create_wedge_roi(workspace, wedges, symmetric_wedges, roi) # Make sure the orientation of intensity array can be shown correctly with imshow # imshow thinks the bottom right corner is (0, n-1) while it is intensity(qx_max, qy_min) transpose_flag = _require_transpose_intensity(workspace) if transpose_flag: # transpose both intensity and ROI intensity = workspace.intensity.T roi = roi.T else: intensity = workspace.intensity # convert ROI to masks roi =, roi.astype(int)) # put together the plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() current_cmap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap("viridis") current_cmap.set_bad(color="grey") qxmin = workspace.qx.min() qxmax = workspace.qx.max() qymin = workspace.qy.min() qymax = workspace.qy.max() pcm = ax.imshow( intensity, extent=(qxmin, qxmax, qymin, qymax), origin="lower", aspect="auto", **imshow_kwargs, ) # add calculated region of interest ax.imshow( roi, alpha=mask_alpha, extent=(qxmin, qxmax, qymin, qymax), cmap="gray", vmax=roi.max(), interpolation="none", origin="lower", aspect="auto", ) pcm.cmap.set_bad(alpha=0.5) # rest of plotting arguments fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel(_q_label(backend, "x")) ax.set_ylabel(_q_label(backend, "y")) if kwargs: plt.setp(ax, **kwargs) _save_file(fig, filename, backend)
[docs] def plot_detector( input_workspace, filename=None, backend: str = "d3", axes_mode="tube-pixel", panel_name=None, figure_kwargs={"figsize": (8, 6)}, imshow_kwargs={"norm": LogNorm(vmin=1)}, ): r""" Save a 2D plot representative of the supplied workspace Parameters ---------- input_workspace: str, ~mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace The workspace to plot filename: str The name of the file to save to. For the :py:obj:`~Backend.MATPLOTLIB` backend, the type of file is determined from the file extension backend Which backend to save the file using axes_mode: str Plot intensities versus different axes. Options are: 'xy' for plotting versus pixel coordinates; 'tube-pixel' for plotting versus tube and pixel index. panel_name: str Name of the double panel detector array. If :py:obj:`None`, plots will be generated for all arrays. figure_kwargs: str Optional arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.figure imshow_kwargs: dict Optional arguments to matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow """ workspace = mtd[str(input_workspace)] backend = Backend.getMode(backend) detector_names = ( [ panel_name, ] if panel_name is not None else panel_names(input_workspace) ) fig = plt.figure(**figure_kwargs) for i_detector, detector_name in enumerate(detector_names): try: collection = TubeCollection(workspace, detector_name) except RuntimeError: # no detector panel with this name (e.g. missing midrange_detector in BIOSANS workspace) continue collection = collection.sorted(view="fbfb") data = np.sum(np.array([tube.readY for tube in collection]), axis=-1) # sum intensities for each pixel if isinstance(imshow_kwargs.get("norm", None), LogNorm) is True: data[data < 1e-10] = 1e-10 # no negative values when doing a logarithm plot mask = np.array([tube.isMasked for tube in collection]) data =, data) # Add subfigure axis = fig.add_subplot(len(detector_names), 1, i_detector + 1) if axes_mode == "tube-pixel": image = axis.imshow(np.transpose(data), aspect="auto", origin="lower", **imshow_kwargs) axis_properties = { "set_xlabel": "tube", "set_ylabel": "pixel", "set_title": f"{detector_name}", } elif axes_mode == "xy": # array x and y denote the boundaries of the pixels when projected on the XY plane n_pixels = len(collection[0]) # number of pixels in the first tube # Find the "left" sides of the tubes x = [tube.x_boundaries[0] * np.ones(n_pixels + 1) for tube in collection] # Append the "right" side of the last tube x.append(collection[-1].x_boundaries[1] * np.ones(n_pixels + 1)) x = np.array(x) axis.set_xlim(max(x.ravel()), min(x.ravel())) # X-axis should plot from larger to smaller values y = [tube.pixel_y_boundaries for tube in collection] y.append(collection[-1].pixel_y_boundaries) y = np.array(y) # BOTTLENECK-2 (but 6 times faster than BOTTLENECK-1) image = axis.pcolormesh(x, y, data) axis_properties = { "set_xlabel": "X", "set_ylabel": "Y", "set_title": f"{detector_name}", } else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized axes_mode. Valid options are "tube-pixel" and "xy"') image.cmap.set_bad(alpha=0.5) [getattr(axis, prop)(value) for prop, value in axis_properties.items()] fig.colorbar(image, ax=axis) fig.tight_layout() if filename is not None: _save_file(fig, filename, backend) return fig