Source code for drtsans.settings

# third party imports
import mantid

# standard library imports
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from import Mapping
import functools

# import mantid's workspace types exposed to python
workspace_types = [
    getattr(mantid.dataobjects, w_type_name)
    for w_type_name in [s for s in dir(mantid.dataobjects) if "Workspace" in s]

[docs] class MultiOrderedDict(OrderedDict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, list) and key in self: self[key].extend(value) else: super(MultiOrderedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
# super().__setitem__(key, value) # in Python 3
[docs] def namedtuplefy(func): r""" Decorator to transform the return dictionary of a function into a namedtuple Parameters ---------- func: Function Function to be decorated name: str Class name for the namedtuple. If None, the name of the function will be used Returns ------- Function """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = func(*args, **kwargs) if wrapper.nt is None: if isinstance(res, Mapping) is False: raise ValueError("Cannot namedtuplefy a non-dict") wrapper.nt = namedtuple(func.__name__ + "_nt", res.keys()) return wrapper.nt(**res) wrapper.nt = None return wrapper
[docs] def unpack_v3d(functor, index): """Retain only the cartesian coordinates of the V3D object returned by ```functor``` This function reduces the memory imprint, from a V3D object to a mere 3-component list. Speeds up execution by avoiding crowding the heap when interating over the detectors. e.g. x = [detectorInfo().position(i) for i in range(number_detectors)] # number_detectors V3D objects in the heap x = [unpackV3D(detectorInfo.position, i) for i in range(number_detectors)] # 100 times faster Parameters ---------- functor: function Callable receiving argument ```index``` and returning a V3D object. index: int DetectorInfo, ComponentInfo, or SpectrumInfo index Returns ------- list """ v3d_vector = functor(index) return [v3d_vector.X(), v3d_vector.Y(), v3d_vector.Z()]